A determined life.

Life with a goal...

What does a 'life with a goal' mean to you? 
Is it living for someone you love? Something you've always wanted to do? A dream coming true? 
Most of us,teenagers,tend to dream of growing up and living a whole independent life where they are totally separated from their parents' home. True. But here's the thing,whether a teenager or adult,if you're living a fake goal,you'll never score it. 

   I,myself,had the very same experience back as I was a 9th grader and used to look at the 'popular kids' with everyone around them and wherever they went,most of the school followed them. Another thing I liked was the amount of wall posts they get on their Facebook page,it was something back then,actually. Sooo,as I was a young fella and not thinking straight,I decided to become like them and I made my life's goal to be a 'popular kid'. Unfortunately,that didn't work out so good because it wasn't a pure goal,it wasn't something I've always dreamt of doing for the rest of my life. The reason my 'goal' failed is why I chose to be a 'popular kid',maybe I chose it to get girls to like me or maybe even get lots of Facebook wall posts but that always made me feel down. It just didn't feel right,you know,am I going to spend my entire life trying to be a popular kid and for what? Facebook posts? I remember wasting a whole year of my life doing nothing but sticking to these kids and trying to be like them and I GOT NOTHING but the worst treatment and humiliation. It was a tough task but as we grow up,our minds amaze us by how much they can change and how our thinking patterns could be flipped upside down. A certain time comes in your life when you feel like you have something in mind and you're gonna do it for the rest of your life but you're not sure if this is what you need or not,you keep thinking about it and ask for help from others while in fact,the answer you're looking for is in you! How can you be so sure of your future goal? How can you be so sure that is something You really want to do?
No matter what your dream or goal for life is,there are some points I'd like to refer to:

  • NEVER compare yourself to others! You won't go anywhere if you're gonna compare yourself to others,the only thing you can compare yourself to is your past accomplishments and your future ones. If there's progress,then you should feel happy about yourself! 
  • Never mind anyone doing the same thing as you,same goal,different motives. 
  • Make sure the goal you're reaching is something worthy and lasts for a lifetime!
  • Make sure the goal you're reaching is something to be proud of!
  • Don't build your goals on false hopes or results like wealth,women,etc.. If you're going after something,you have to make what you want clear for yourself,use a paper and a pen if you have to! But DON'T EVER LIE to yourself! If you're going after a certain job just for the money you'll be paid for it and you don't even like it,you'll fail and you'll get bored Soon!
  • Be ready for lots of ups and downs in your life. 
  • Rest assured that God has the perfect thing for you in the end. 
  • You gotta love what you're doing in order to succeed!
These are not essential steps that you HAVE TO go by them but I'm just clarifying what I usually do in my life and that's the reason that pushed to write the whole blog! To share my personal experience which I find really comforting!
Maybe the whole article isn't clear but the following two REAL stories will do the whole job:

Vincent Van Gogh:

   Born in 1853,Van Gogh belonged to a rich family that took picture trading business as a profession in Europe. Back at his time,that kind of work is like movie producing nowadays. Rich and popular. However,due to some financial problems,Van Gogh was forced to drop out of school and work in London in his Uncle's company,but he soon got bored of all the 'classic' paintings he used to sell for the people. 
   One day,he was roaming around a village and sat on a rusty iron wheel to rest and it happens that he saw a miner coming out of a mine,all covered in black and tired but yet the miner is coming out,hands in pockets. Van Gogh got a pencil and a paper to draw that scene and another drawing of another miner coming out. When he got back home,he put both drawings infront of him to redraw them in which it took him a very long time and in the end he tore the drawing for not liking it. 
   Van Gogh suddenly felt that he should draw! He used to go to the mine every single day to look at the miners there and draw what he saw and sometimes he had to tear some drawings again! But this time,he managed to hold on to drawing as his new hobby and job! Vincent grew more confident and believed in himself. He started dedicating his time to art lessons,books and he even got into an arts college!
   Although he died at a very young age with a few paintings,his paintings were considered priceless and rare!

Bill Gates:

"I'll be a millionaire by the time I'm 30,I can do anything I can put my mind into" -Bill Gates to his school teachers. 
   Bill found out about his passion towards programming during his early educational stages and he started writing computer programs at the age of 13 when he met his partner Paul Allen who shared with him his passion!
   The two young partners knew that the upcoming age is an age of technology and information,therefore,they established a company and Bill wasn't older than 14! 
   Bill went to Harvard college and during his studies,he developed a copy of the 'Basic' programming language. The real thing blasted in 1974 along with Paul Allen where they developed a basic programming language which was a turning a point in laptops! The beginning of 'Microsoft'. Bill Gates was a manager by the time he was 21. 
   Bill Gates managed to KILL EVERY SINGLE THOUGHT that big ideas come only from philosophers and academics achievements. He is the modern technology miracle! 

   When we look at those two and then back to ourselves,we aren't much different than them,you know. They both lived in different centuries and they both found their passion and what they want to do in their lives and they never moaned about any ups or downs in their lives! They started working right away to achieve their goals. 
   Back again,do not compare yourselves to them! No! Take their passion and the way they ran their tracks to the finish line as a living example of how someone can be successful with their own lives' goals!!

Past vs Future.

How could our past be possibly related to our future?

You wanna know a secret? 
It isn't. 
Problem is,we all think our past is somehow connected with our future while in fact they both represent two separate forms of our life. 


Something good,bad or neither happened which either had an impact on your life or on others'. Of course if something good happened with a good impact,it would be awesome to keep it forever in the future. I'm talking about an obstacle in your past that you can't overcome,something that prevents you from moving forwards with you life,maybe a breakup,a fight,death or loss. They all form a huge block in your running track and to be honest,you'll get over whatever faces you in your past but the trick lies in whether you want to climb that brick or jump directly over it and keep running? In other words,do you want to waste time trying to get over it? Or just right now,BOOM!,gone?
Most of you keep thinking about what happened and how it could have happened or maybe how I would have changed or even prevented it from happening. Most of you blame themselves. Most of you cry. Most of you give up on the silliest things just because of that. Some of you find life unbearable to live anymore!
Let's change this negative attitude a bit. So,a certain event took place and it does have an impact,and if you're gonna think about it,you're fooling yourself because neither thinking NOR crying will help you move on. We all cry because of something but it's not about now,you see,it's about what will be of a good use for the future. Let me tell you a story of a brave boxer that may not appeal to you much:
   A famous American Professional boxer who won the world heavy weight championship at a young age and with total record of 56 wins was having an important boxing match coming up in a couple of days and he was getting ready for it,along with his training staff and coach,you know,the regular workouts for boxers,it aches me to write this story as I'm a weak fella. 
   However,he got the most unfortunate call back from his hometown informing him of his father's death and that the funeral will be held the day before the match at which this boxer's presenc should be noticeable. Yes,he was sad and oh yes,he did cry but soon,on the very same day,he decided that he won't be attending the funeral and he said that his father was one of the dearest to his heart and he loved him the most,he didn't attend the funeral but instead he continued his training for his upcoming match. 

What would you call this? Some of you will say:"What a fool,his father is dead and he's training?" Others will say:" What a brave man!" And even others might say:"Hahahaha,a boxer crying.."
What people say doesn't matter and alhough he's famous,he never cared what the press would publish about such a story. This boxer knew the true meaning of Past Vs future concept,his father died and attending his funeral won't make him live again,he knew he lost a huge part of his life and he did show his sorrow but he soon overcame it and came back to himself wondering if this would affect his match the following day. He accepted his past and knew he can't change it,instead,he has put his eyes onto the real goal of his life. 

Read this story over and over again,do you want to be like this boxer? Careless about what others will say about you and with absolute self-trust,overcoming your past? 
Don't you ever think that your past will prevent you from moving,because actually,you do have the power and you do allow the past whether to prevent you or not! You control where and when you want to overcome your past to live a happier and fruitful life,and I suggest to start RIGHT NOW! Give up on your past,you gave it enough of your time already and please focus on what's coming up ahead of you! Life has got much lemons to give and if you didn't finish your past lemonade,I'm telling you,you'll have to drink all of it in a moment.

Think about this victorious boxer and ask yourselves..

"Is my past worthy or my future?" 

Personal Experience

 Wohoooo! Story time!

Talking about negativity and all that kinda stuff made a friend of mine suggest sharing my own life experience about it,so here we go:
   3 years ago,I fell madly in love with my girl bestfriend and I'm pretty sure we all know how it feels like to be bestfriends with someone of the opposite sex and with feelings on both sides but not telling each other,yes,we have all been through this situation. 
   Anyway,we both loved each other but we were afraid to let it out so we kept it this way,talking everyday  about,literally,everything and we used to hang out like all the time! 
  HOWEVER,and I do remember the date exactly,it was the 1st of November and I was in school,during a maths lesson,my blackberry LED turned red and She sent me a text asking me not to be mad. I asked her why would I be mad,it's impossible! Then she faced me with the truth. 
   The night before all this happened,we were at a certain party and I found her spending her time with some other dude and I just sat there,looking at them and at my blackberry. 
You could already tell what she texted me saying,yes! She loved the guy and he immediately asked her out and she said yes. Now,when she asked me not to be mad it was like asking fire not to burn!!
   15 years old,young and first time in my life to have such feelings,I was devestated,physically and mentally! But I thought maybe her friends and I can get her back from this guy or something,so I waited till I got back from school,and messaged her that night. She seemed to have broken up with the guy because 'things went too fast for her' but obviously,she was mad about him and he was the only guy in her life. Me,oh never mind,I went on my Facebook and twitter pages posting love and broken heart quotes,amaingly,these updates didn't get her back :/. 
   November passed and I remember the only song I listened to the whole month! It was Hey Jude by The Beatles,and I imagined myself singing the song in a concert and looking at the girl. December passed without a smile on my face. January passed and whenever I thought about it,my whole body goes dizzy and feels like throwing up! February,I started telling people and sharing because at some point,I felt like REALLY BLOWING UP IN SOMEBODY'S FACE!
   I was never emotionally depressed before and I really never knew the meaning of
relationships or to dedicate your life completely for those you love! I mean,I was just 15 and I was fooling myself thinking I know everything in life! Don't worry,the inspiring part of the
story is coming up right now,but I was pointing out to how teenagers these days see life and connect everything else to their emotions. When I think about it right now,my body goes dizzy BECAUSE OF WHAT I WAS DOING,I mean,WHAT THE WHAT? She's just a girl,helllooooooo,emotions?? Oh come on! But I wasn't saying that back then,people who are madly in love,tend to have their eyes covered from every truth,they believe what they want to believe and ignore everything else. 
   Anyway,February,I convinced myself that my health is much more important than all this crap I'm going through and it was amazing how I gave myself the push to run away from all this drama. I wouldn't call myself a champion,but a hero! I really managed to ignore every single detail connected to her,her texts or even when she's around,Total ignorance! Please note,I'm not telling you to ignore your bestfriends,I'm just telling you that you can do the push yourself. 
   Moving on,on the 10th of march,we were all gathered together at the beach,having fun,singing,playing and dancing. Although she was there,but also many of my friends were! I literally forgot everything connected to her and I was surprised by what I can do for myself by myself using myself!! Wait,that doesn't end here..
   She also had some 'changes' in her life too and whatever decisions she ever made during this period made her text me on a Wednesday morning,12th of march,asking me if I still have the same feelings I had during November. I replied boldly that I didn't know but then what was totally unexpected was that she,too,loved me just as much and with a single text from her,we were in a relationship. A whole chapter of drama was closed,a whole new chapter was opened. 

Oh life? It will always surprise you. Once you think you figured out how to act,life changes the whole theatre. When I shared this story of mine,I never meant to show off or anything,I was much more concerned about the part where I managed to use myself for the good of me! And that's exactly what I'm asking from all of you! And I chose to write about my emotional life because I know this is what our current generation's fantasy is all about! Boys and girls loving each other and then refusal can make you join the dark side and makes life UNBEARABLE to live. NO,Let me tell you,you make your own life unbearable and if you really want to do something about it,I suggest giving yourself a push like the one I gave myself and remember the earlier you push yourself towards something,the faster you will reach it and the results will amaze you!

Worry and negativity.

Oh God,Why is this happening to me?! I'm such a loser. 

Sad but true. Haven't we all said this at some point in our lives?  
We all have and as I used to be a negative thinker like ALL THE TIME,let me tell you,it will literally take you nowhere,unless you want to be a madman,we can talk about that later. 

Why do we worry?

Because we don't trust ourselves. We don't know our boundaries. We are afraid. Others letting us down. Frustration. Choose your reasons. After choosing them,ask yourself,is it really worthy that I worry? Do I  have to worry? I mentioned earlier that you should trust God's plan for you because it's perfectly made by God! 
You don't know the future and neither do I but if you kept thinking about what will happen later on with your life,I'm telling you,you're gonna have a troubled future! 
Isn't it just enough for you to think about your current day? Your plans for it? Yes,of course some of us have major plans for the future and most of their time is occupied going here and there but that doesn't have anything to do with worrying! Trust yourself and trust what you're capable of doing and if you want to change the world,you will change the world.
I'm not saying that our lives willl be worry-free or something like that but I'm telling you that your lives will be much easier without worry!! Wanna know why? Sure!!
  1. Worry is a disease and causes other ills. 
  2. Borrowing trouble and can't be paid back
  3. Creating a tensioned atmosphere over something that might not happen!
  4. Creates trouble,misery and can cause death!
  5. A burden borrowed from the future. 
  6. Mental and physical suicide. 
  7. A crime against man and GOD!
  8. Foolish. Because you can not stop what's gonna happen by worrying
We are human beings! And we are objected to worry daily! That's totally fine! A student waiting for his exam,an interviewee waiting for an interview,a kid who broke his mother's vase or even a girl on her first date! We all worry about stuff in our lives but what's wrong is letting our worries dominate our lives and lead the way. Worry is just another form of fear,and if you're gonna live in fear,I'm sorry to inform you,you won't cross the finish line..
My mom used to tell me to always trust myself,to hold my head up high when all necks around me are bent down. Whenever I stood somewhere in my school and found some 'popular' kids laughing at me,I used to be upset because it made me feel so lowwwww,unless an unexpected zit decided to appear somewhere...


Alot worse than worry,if you ask me. Nothing much to say here,but whenever my younger brother used to go out somewhere and his cellphone dies and no one can reach him,I used to think negatively and beyond the limits! I once thought he was kidnapped and tortured! Funny thing is,I do the same thing every single time,even though I'm sure he will be back home safely. You see? Trust plays an important role in directing your way of thinking,don't build your thoughts negatively and stop damaging yourself! I mean,why would you worry about your exam? Why would you even think about failing? If you studied really hard and you know you've studied perfectly good for it! Why worry? 

Don't convince yourself that you're gonna stop worrying,not at all! But,you can convince yourself that whatever it is you're worrying about,is going to shape a tremendous future for you! Worry is just a tool the craftsman,you,use it to shape his masterpiece and if he used it wrong,the whole shape is gonna break down!

As I said before,you do lead your own life and you do pull the trigger,and during the race,your legs are doing the hard job! Consider Worry and negativity your legs,essential,but you know,some people are capable of running backwards. Those who worry all the time are these people!
Trust yourself,trust the future and the plan God has for you because He would NEVER EVER plan evil for you! Trust Him! He knows what He's doing and He wants you to be sure of what YOU can do in the future!
Tip:here's what I do when something happens and calls me to worry:
I tell myself whatever is going on with my life,I'm always sure it's for a better future and for a better character shaping!

I don't always write about life,but when I do...


Yay! You made it to post number two! 

Does that mean you liked my first post? Or just the girlfriend part and waiting for more stories like it?

Let's change the color and write with something brighter. 

What forms can our lives take?

As weird as this question can be,its answer is pretty much confusing and can be a bit tiring. Kidding,I'm here to make it easier! Remember?
So,forms! Shapes! Circumstances! 
Do you belong to a rich family? Poor family? Educated? 'Swag'? Adult? Teenager? African? European? Oh I can keep going on like that for centuries! WAIT! I forgot to mention life remixes! I'm sure you heard of it somewhere! It goes like umm,Rich but not educated! Poor but still got a long way ahead of you! African but with power! 
You see,our lives can be made of unfortunate constituents and can be filled with loads of ups and downs. Imagine with me,life as a transformer,a normal car vulnerable to crash but sometimes WITH OUR OWN WILL,we decide to transform it into something huge with arms,legs and a head,fighting on your own! Be careful,you drive your own car! You got the steering wheel,you lead your own life. Sounds cool,heh?

What does it mean to lead my own life?
*Leading your own life means you don’t need permission to start. You control the starting line. You don’t have to have it all figured out. You’ll figure it out along the way. You’re as ready right now as you’ll ever be to get started on pursuing whatever it is you want to be doing.
And that's exactly what God requires from us! God is not some kind of an army general with strict rules that you are bound to and if you broke one of the rules you will be tried! Not at all!!! Yes,there are rules and no you won't be tried,He forgives more than you do when your cellphone's battery dies out! But just ask for his forgiveness! Life is all about pursuing what you want! And if you just sit there,waiting for your life to be ready,oh let me tell you,you'll be waiting for a very long time! God created you ready! And even though you think you are not,God requires you to try! Even though you tried and failed,God wants you to get up on your feet! Imagine yourself an Olympic runner,waiting for the race to begin but with a slight change. You get to fire the gun and you get to start running on your mark. Isn't it just amazing? I mean,life gives you the opportunity
to be everything you ever wanted to be but you see,it just won't come if you don't know how to pull the trigger!
Okay,let's have a break here. With all the transformers and firing the gun thingy,I started to believe I'm writing a movie script!
As I have mentioned before in my previous post,I'm Egyptian and no,I don't think I go to school riding a camel..
Anyway,back in our educational system,there are primary,preparatory and secondary stages. I'm a second secondary student and that means I have one more year left to finish school!
Not exactly my point but they let us choose from 2 options,scientific or artistic divisions. I chose scientific and that means I have to study 10 subjects in a year and based on my overall grades,I'll apply for college. A sick system,yes,I know. I'm the nerdy type and I've been raised to just sit in my study,book open and doing nothing but studying. But with future changes,I got drifted a bit away from my studying habits but then this year I realized that I'm so close to my life's changing point and whining about it like a little girl won't do me any good. We are all aware of our days' technology and chatting applications and how addictive they can be and as a teenager myself,I tend to be a huge addict of messengers and there's nothing like waking up in the morning and checking my phone for new messages..
That was so wrong,even though I know I'm in a critical educational stage,so here's what I did:
Well,for setting a route,you need a destination and as I mentioned before,you are your own start and finish line. My goal was higher grades in my exams. So far so good? How can I possibly achieve higher grades? Simple,studying and dedicating my time learning,this is just my own way as a teenager to succeed,and also to cut down on using messengers and stop wasting time. Oh by the way,I forgot to mention that the sky's your limit!
Anyway,my final decision led me to reverse my whole day! Yes! Reversing it! How? I slept during daytime and woke up around midnight,that was the only time everyone was sleeping whether it was at home or on messenger! And I guess that's pretty much it. 

What are you trying to tell us?

Life,for you,can be complicated. And not just you! I mean,I've been through alot myself and I know how it feels like to be down on your knees! But who said life ends when you're on your knees? Wake up buddy,as long as your chest is moving upwards and downwards,you can still stand up for something in your life. 
Remember,you do breathe,you breathe for a reason and with every breath you take,you're a moment closer to your goal but only if you're determined! 
Life is not over! And don't you worry about anything,we will talk about that later on with further details,because worry will lead you to no where but depression and it's a new start for negativity in your life and WE DO NOT WANT THAT! Your life was never this good. Trust yourself and trust the plan God has for you,because if you ask me,it's a perfect plan indeed. 

My blog does NOT end here and I've got lots more to share with you all and in my future posts,I'll be talking about leading a positive life,full of opportunities but only for those who ask for it! Life was never made easier and I thank God who made me able to make time to post and manage to inspire most of you! 

Remember! Think positive! Your life has just started! And I'm here to help you pull the trigger!

Why I chose to write about life?

What could an 18-year old boy write about life?

I mean,I've been living for almost 18 years and I'm only aware of 12 years of them. 

First of all,I'm a guy,obviously,and I'm from Egypt. I don't know how I should put my thoughts into words but I'll try as hard as I can to enhance my writings.


Life as we know it,life and more life. I suppose many are reading this blog and lots of age ranges so I'll try to simplify as much as I can. 

Who are we?
My supported point of view will be a bit religious,yes! God! I believe God created each and every one of us for a unique selected purpose and you are vulnerable to knowing this purpose at any time in your life! So basically,we are God's creations,created to fulfill his plan on Earth during our lifetime. Created to enjoy life as well as making it out of it with a purpose. 

What purpose?

You think you're leading a bad life? Or represent a huge fail?
NO,let me tell you about what a huge fail is. 
A young teenager,18 years old,was in a relationship. He and his girlfriend got involved physically and right after it,he went home,he knew something was wrong,he knew something was missing. His girlfriend called him when he got back home and told him that they weren't too cautious during their 'action'. His face turning pale and white as a sheet,he took to bed,his blanket over his head and he was afraid to get another phone call telling him that his girlfriend was pregnant! Then he has to deal with his parents and hers!
He took his bed as a sign for his failure and he never got up to start his day or even end it properly,with this physical and mental pressure,he failed to move on with his life,he failed to meet again with his girlfriend at least to check whether she's pregnant or not. This guy I'm talking about would possibly lie in a mental hospital right now.

You see what a huge fail is?
Huge fail is defined as the disability to move forward no matter what faces you from difficulties. You only fail when you fall down and don't get back up. You fail when you decide that you give up on a certain goal and don't keep going. 

We were talking about a life purpose,oh don't worry about that! You'll know it sooner or later but how? I'm gonna show you how to know it. The first step will be finding your heart leaning towards a particular subject and you have to believe that NO MATTER WHATEVER HAPPENS IN YOUR LIFE,IT'S ALL FOR A BETTER END. Never judge yourself or build any permanent thoughts about your life just because of a temporary situation! Trust yourself,your ability and most important,God!

My next blogs will go deeply religious and I will be speaking of main life events and what could possibly face each and everyone of us!
I know most of you would underestimate my ability to speak of all this but after all,I am able to put my thoughts into words!