Personal Experience

 Wohoooo! Story time!

Talking about negativity and all that kinda stuff made a friend of mine suggest sharing my own life experience about it,so here we go:
   3 years ago,I fell madly in love with my girl bestfriend and I'm pretty sure we all know how it feels like to be bestfriends with someone of the opposite sex and with feelings on both sides but not telling each other,yes,we have all been through this situation. 
   Anyway,we both loved each other but we were afraid to let it out so we kept it this way,talking everyday  about,literally,everything and we used to hang out like all the time! 
  HOWEVER,and I do remember the date exactly,it was the 1st of November and I was in school,during a maths lesson,my blackberry LED turned red and She sent me a text asking me not to be mad. I asked her why would I be mad,it's impossible! Then she faced me with the truth. 
   The night before all this happened,we were at a certain party and I found her spending her time with some other dude and I just sat there,looking at them and at my blackberry. 
You could already tell what she texted me saying,yes! She loved the guy and he immediately asked her out and she said yes. Now,when she asked me not to be mad it was like asking fire not to burn!!
   15 years old,young and first time in my life to have such feelings,I was devestated,physically and mentally! But I thought maybe her friends and I can get her back from this guy or something,so I waited till I got back from school,and messaged her that night. She seemed to have broken up with the guy because 'things went too fast for her' but obviously,she was mad about him and he was the only guy in her life. Me,oh never mind,I went on my Facebook and twitter pages posting love and broken heart quotes,amaingly,these updates didn't get her back :/. 
   November passed and I remember the only song I listened to the whole month! It was Hey Jude by The Beatles,and I imagined myself singing the song in a concert and looking at the girl. December passed without a smile on my face. January passed and whenever I thought about it,my whole body goes dizzy and feels like throwing up! February,I started telling people and sharing because at some point,I felt like REALLY BLOWING UP IN SOMEBODY'S FACE!
   I was never emotionally depressed before and I really never knew the meaning of
relationships or to dedicate your life completely for those you love! I mean,I was just 15 and I was fooling myself thinking I know everything in life! Don't worry,the inspiring part of the
story is coming up right now,but I was pointing out to how teenagers these days see life and connect everything else to their emotions. When I think about it right now,my body goes dizzy BECAUSE OF WHAT I WAS DOING,I mean,WHAT THE WHAT? She's just a girl,helllooooooo,emotions?? Oh come on! But I wasn't saying that back then,people who are madly in love,tend to have their eyes covered from every truth,they believe what they want to believe and ignore everything else. 
   Anyway,February,I convinced myself that my health is much more important than all this crap I'm going through and it was amazing how I gave myself the push to run away from all this drama. I wouldn't call myself a champion,but a hero! I really managed to ignore every single detail connected to her,her texts or even when she's around,Total ignorance! Please note,I'm not telling you to ignore your bestfriends,I'm just telling you that you can do the push yourself. 
   Moving on,on the 10th of march,we were all gathered together at the beach,having fun,singing,playing and dancing. Although she was there,but also many of my friends were! I literally forgot everything connected to her and I was surprised by what I can do for myself by myself using myself!! Wait,that doesn't end here..
   She also had some 'changes' in her life too and whatever decisions she ever made during this period made her text me on a Wednesday morning,12th of march,asking me if I still have the same feelings I had during November. I replied boldly that I didn't know but then what was totally unexpected was that she,too,loved me just as much and with a single text from her,we were in a relationship. A whole chapter of drama was closed,a whole new chapter was opened. 

Oh life? It will always surprise you. Once you think you figured out how to act,life changes the whole theatre. When I shared this story of mine,I never meant to show off or anything,I was much more concerned about the part where I managed to use myself for the good of me! And that's exactly what I'm asking from all of you! And I chose to write about my emotional life because I know this is what our current generation's fantasy is all about! Boys and girls loving each other and then refusal can make you join the dark side and makes life UNBEARABLE to live. NO,Let me tell you,you make your own life unbearable and if you really want to do something about it,I suggest giving yourself a push like the one I gave myself and remember the earlier you push yourself towards something,the faster you will reach it and the results will amaze you!

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